Tuesday, August 23, 2005


People are still asking me if I'm ok after having to swap rooms with Vanessa. Still not sure what the big deal is. Vanessa has so far ignored our presence when she's in the house. We clearly are not for the likes of her. I should describe her to you all. She's like Carrie from Sex in the City. Perfect hair, clothes. She even has the long face. Excellent if you want to do the Vanessa walks into a bar joke.

So yesterday, after the meal, we all got back to it and saw a few more shows.

First up Russell Howard. Paul's friend. He was really good, but not hitting my top 5. I think a few people like him, but not sure anyone is really gushing over him.

Jason Manford. The new Peter Kay. Supposedly. Think that has a lot to do with his northern accent, and his slightly chubbyness and the fact he's very likeable and joly on stage. Pleasant hour spent, listening to Urban Myths and where they come from. A definite contender for the newcomer. Ali you'd probably like him....

Katy Brand. Oh dear, oh dear. Having seen her in Ben Willbond's show I knew not to expect a lot. Having heard a few people say it was the worst hour of their life watching this show, I really wasn't expecting a lot. Me, Sarah and Ruby sat through this excruciating hour, vowing to make sure it doesn't make any list other than the worst fucking list. Funny thing is, the only people who loved this show were Ness and Graham. Katy Brand, goodbye.


Anonymous said...

She sounds like she needs a good slap... What a pain - why should you swap rooms with her, not your problem - is she special!?

Anonymous said...

mmm. Wonder why Ali posted on this one. Was it the northern accent? Nah... Was it the "Slight Chubbiness", with her track record, who knows?