Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Gossip from Sunday

So since Sunday I have some gossip about the list. Addison Cresswell, agent to the stars through his company Off the Kerb, such as Jonathan Ross has been bragging for months on end that his latest protégé is going to win the Perrier Award. Mmmm. The protégé in question is Alan Carr. A name we removed from the list on Sunday, after 5 of us saw the show and gave it a middling mark. Some of us thought it started off strong enough but failed 20 minutes in or so.

Now Addison is apparently a well-known agent hard-nut, and not one to be crossed. Cue phone calls and messages for Sarah from Paramount, Graham from Channel 5 and Ruby from Channel 4 basically saying that he expected them to attend that evening’s show, as they hadn't seen it. If they didn't, he would with draw all his acts from their stations. Now that's what I call throwing his toys out of the pram.

The message left for Nica, head of the Perrier was slightly more sinister, threatening to kill her. This isn't such an empty threat. Apparently this isn't the first year he has been upset by the judge’s decision and has used bullying tactics to get what he wants. He has previously smashed Nica's head up against a wall in the Assembly Bar. He is a bit of a coke fiend by all accounts.

The guys all went to see Alan's show. They said it was average, and had a lot of very old material in there padding it out to the 50 minutes.

Addison isn't actually arriving in Edinburgh until Friday night. He's apparently got my name as being a dissenter. I say bring it on. I've met one of his right hand men a couple of times over the past couple of weeks. He was in the bar last night, and said they were disappointed, but he was perfectly nice about it.

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