Saturday, August 20, 2005


Another busy day.

Kopfraper - Laura Solon. Character comedy. A definite for newcomer. I'd heard it was good from a few others beforehand. A wheelchair bound woman possessed by Princess Di. A Wedding Planner from Rotherham who's won an award after planning Eammon Holmes 2nd Cousins wedding. All good stuff.

Gutless. Another comedian who is on stage to tell me all about their problems, smiling through the pain. This guy literally. He has Crohn's disease and has had most of his intestine removed, and so carries a rucksack that he is hooked up to, feeding him liquid through his chest. A high point was his description of the time he tried and failed to commit suicide. It actually wasn't that bad, but I really didn't need to hear about some of it.

Dan Tetsell - writer of According to Bex, guess how good this was? This show is about how is Grandfather was a Nazi. All very well meaning stuff but well.. Enough said. He managed to fit in every obvious Nazi joke. 'Allo 'Aallo, Fanta and Prince Harry, twice. Disappointing.

Ciamh Mc Donnell. A slightly better show using Powerpoint than Tetsell's. Based around the fact his last girlfriend dumped him after a psychic told her to, he goes off in search of the future. (Dave Gorman has a lot to answer for.)

Brendan Burns. Another Dumped one. After his girlfriend dumped him for a DJ, Mr Burns goes to Glastonbury to get everyone high on Mushrooms. Actually surprisingly good. Normally I avoid him, as he is too shouty, in your face and sweary, and not much else. But he was on form. Apparently the other day he did a show, and someone left to go the loo 10 minutes from the end, so he and the rest of the audience followed him and finished the show at the urinals. Nice. And let that be a warning to all audience members, go the loo beforehand.

Alan Carr. His whole family are footballers. He is a camp, short sighted comedian. With the aid of Top Trump cards he explains why he is a disappointment to his family. Not a bad show, but some of his jokes are too contrived for my liking. And some just too old.

Dave Fulton. American living in London. His best gags are actually quotes from Bush.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sounds like your having a good time. Caroline told me about Dylan's newly found single status. Am I likely to come home and find him tied up in the lounge?
I get the feeling he may get pounced upon.....