Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Late start today

So Wednesday started late due to a hefty lunch which started at 1 and finished at 3.30. I have now met everyone on the panel. Interesting bunch of people. Very interesting to hear what they've come away with liking so far. A few people are standing out for us all, then there are others we're at opposite ends of the liking spectrum. Certainly one act I've slated hear I overheard two judges raving about further down the table. God forbid.

Anyway more of that later.

Acts I saw Tuesday.

Genius for Dummies. Another sketch show. Another sketch show starring two girls. Another sketch show starring two girls who could do accents from around the country. Another sketch show starring two girls who could do accents from around the country, who didn't really have any jokes. Nevermind.

Next Chris Neil. Bit of a gay middle class snob. And that was his act. He called the show Monopoly but only introduced the Monopoly board into the show 10 minutes from the end and then rushed through his interpretation of the squares. A few of us have seen the show and think he should have run the theme of Monopoly throughout his show.

Bennett Arron . Bennett bless him had his identity stolen and thousands of pounds worth of money stolen in his name. He decided to hold a seminar, sorry comedy show on how it happened. His show started well having Howard Read come out pretending to be him and then another comedian, but thereafter was basically a warning against identity fraud and how it can ruin your life. Interesting but ultimately not funny.

Fiona O'Lauchlin. I'm beginning to see a pattern amongst the women comedians here. They've all had messed up lives, surrounded by alcoholic parents, anorexic, obsessive compulsive siblings. And this one's no different. Bought up in Alive Springs, she did have some great stories to tell about being invited to a dinner party held by a middle class couple, who ran the local chemist. Being poor she went to the local charity shop and bought a nice smart skirt and matching blouse. It was only 2 weeks after the dinner party when she went to the chemists did she find out that it was their uniform.

Umbilical Brothers They've changed their act for this years festival. Though I saw them a few days ago doing their usual sound effects and mime during late n live, their actual official show is more visual. The show was a little flat, though the general consensus is the final 15 minutes is genius. All done with a video camera and a giant screen, a brilliantly choreographed fight between a koala hand puppet and the brothers. Great.

Charlie Pickering An unknown Aussie comic who has funded himself over here. Has no manager, press, or anyone to help him. He's apparently out on the Royal Mile flyering everyday for hours before his show. And it paid off, he had a full theatre. And he was brilliant. And dedicated his show to Elliott Smith, which is always going to win me over.

Super Elvis. Oh dear oh dear. My final show of the day. What can I say? A guy behind us said it would be the best show we saw all festival. Mmmmm. He turned out to be the manager. Great Elvis impersonator, of that there is no doubt, so I thoroughly enjoyed that. But the awful puns delivered with very little conviction in between... Even he knew they were a bad idea. At one point the audience were heckling him with better puns, he looked like he might cry. I did have a great time though, just a shame I was laughing at him. Met him afterwards, he looked so dejected. If I ever need a party act, I'd probably book him. Just because it would be funny.

In reply to Ali's questions, I'll keep you posted about the talent. So far it is above the Underpants but we shall have to see. I mean look at the above photo. Who wouldn't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! Sounds like you are having fun! I've been drinking alot recently. Sue met Eddie Argos at the weekend!!!!
I met celebrity cocaine user Richard Bacon, he came to Rescue Rooms when I was DJing.
I've given your phone number to my friends Eliza & Mikey who are headed up Edinburgh was next week I believe.
See you soon