Monday, March 06, 2006

Civilisation - Chris Addison, Dan Tetsell, Jo Enright, Geoffrey McGivern

We went to a recording of a BBC Radio 4 show last night, written and preformed by the lovely Chris Addison, with help from Dan "According to Bex" Tetsell, Jo "Phoenix Nights" Enright and Geoffrey "recogniseable face from TV comedy shows as a bit part actor" McGivern.

Dave managed to get us Priority Tickets, so we had guaranteed entry before 6.30pm, but we turned up an hour early to be on the safe side. I've cued for many hours for Chris's shows before, and then been left out in the cold. Anyway because of this we managed to get good seats on the 2nd row.

The show itself has sections from Chris's stand-up shows, put into a format suitable for half hour shows on Radio 4. It airs on the 5th April. There are some classic moments like when Jo tries to contact her parents in the spirit world.

"Hello Dad? Hello Dad?"
"Jo is that you?"
"Yes Dad?"
"Hello Jo, I'll just put your mother on..."

Or something like that.

And there was a brilliant warm-up from Chris, a story which won't make it to air, concerning going to Angels the Costumiers and meeting the Cane man, who also does the Wigs. The punchline to which was George Lucas asked him so he knitted Chewbacca.

A thoroughly enjoyable evening, we were out by 9.30pm with a flyer to help us get priority tickets for the next weeks show. So guess where I will be next Sunday....

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