Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sydney Aquarium - 14th April

With the mother of all hangovers I was not in the best state to be sightseeing. Somewhere around 2, it could have been 3, I finally surfaced and headed out in need of food. One Calamari and chips later I was feeling ready for some simple sightseeing. Sydney Aquarium seemed like a good place to hide my hurting head and see all the required australian animals, mammals and fish in one hit.

Paltypus - tick

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Funny long snake necked turtle thing
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Saltwater Crocodile - tick
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Some of the coral from the Great Barrier Reef - tick
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More pretty Coral
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Marina, Aqua Marina...

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Shark attack!
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Now I bought a joint ticket for Sydney aquarium and the Sydney Wildlife World. I can't say I was all that impressed with the latter. I think for seeing animals it was pretty poor, when there are several alternatives around where you could get closer to the animals. Still one more box was ticked in there...

Funnel Web Spider - tick
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Some snakes and their old skin
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I guess the most exciting part of this whole afternoon was the touching pool at the Aquarium. In there they had a young, small Port Jackson Shark, and I got to stroke it! Another tick.