Monday, April 09, 2007

First proper day in Oz - The Great Escape Festival - Sunday

Our first proper day in sydney and it's Rach's birthday. We booked tickets some months before to go to the Great Escape Festival. A 40 minute ferry ride took us to the Olympic Park where the festival was at. It was a lovely hot day. So hot we had to make some hat purchases to keep our heads from burning.

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Of course you can trust Dave and Kev to buy matching Wurzel hats.

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Kev has a brand new combine harvester, and he is giving Dave the key.
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It was a lovely day, drinking by the riverside, watching Evan Dando.

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Evan - looking like he did all those years ago.

Does the man not age?

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The bar had a strict policy of only serving 2 drinks per person, making rounds of drinks difficult. But of course it just meant we all just bought 2 drinks each, instead of one, everytime we went the bar, which was of course frequently. Not sure the Aussies have really thought this responsible drinking policy through.

Great beer can. Sadly spazzys isn't the name of the beer, it's advertising a girl band. Still it was fun to try and order spazzys at the bar and get funny looks from the barman.

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The final band that we saw was Gomez over on the main stage. A good set by them, the crowd seemed to enjoy it, showing their enthusiasm with some straw throwing, as you do.

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They played the Gomez song that the soon-to-weds have chosen for their first dance, so they were able to get a bit of practice in.

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The evening was ended by some heavy drinking and go on the dodgems. I lost my Hennes sunglasses and gained a rather large fetching bruise on my knee from the steering wheel of my dodgem car. Still I needed something black to help accessorise my wedding outfit...