Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Royal Botanical Gardens and some Opera House - 11th April

Another day of blue skies and sight seeing. I headed out for a proper look around Sydney Opera House and the Royal Botanical Gardens with Sara and Ben, who've now arrived for their Sydney leg of their holiday.

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As you can see, I've gone for some Artsy photo's.

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The Royal Botanical Gardens were great to walk round and see aussie wildlife, well, wild. I spent a lot of my childhood wanting a cockatoo. What I got was a cockatiel, similar but not the same. I put the cockatoo thing down to watching Playschool when I was little. I got quite excited to see them just roaming around the park, like you might see pigeons back home, so had to spend a bit of time trying to get up close to them.

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Then one of the other famous park residents, the fruit bats. These things hang from every branch in certain areas, including up near where the weddings been held. If you don't like bats, look away now...

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The Ibis - like the hotel

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We found a lovely spot out on the rocks of Mrs MacQuaries Point to get a seat overlooking the harbour, choosing not to sit at her chair.
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After all the walking and sightseeing, Caz and I headed over to Hyde Park near the apartment, as word had it there were wild possums roaming around at night. A local told us that if we had some dry fruit on us they'd soon come out. We didn't have any with us funnily enough, but after a bit of a wait we found one or two all the same.

It was then to catch up with the rest of the gang and initiate Sara and Ben into the ways of the PBH. It was always going to be messy.

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Sara, bless her, got quite drunk and started accosting other PBH punters. She doesn't remember these guys, and screaming at them that she "HATED THE FUCKING QUEEN!" A lot! It was very funny.

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After a while she calmed down, and became nice Sara.

Really nice Sara...

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...and going in for the kill. Actually I think there was a bet involved somewhere here.

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Eventually it came time to leave the PBH, mainly because they wouldn't serve Sara any more drink. Something unheard of in Rach and Kev's entire time in Oz. No one has ever been refused service in the PBH until now.

We tried 2 further bars before eventually finding a place that was willing to let us in at 4 in the morning and serve us. I'm not sure getting Sara any more drink was a wise idea. She seemed happy with her Jack, still I thought it best to get her a glass of water as well. Then she had the bright idea that she could get the benefits of both if she combined them in one glass.

Jack, coke, Sara and water

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It was time to go home.