Sunday, April 12, 2009

Whatho! Mortehoe! - 15th - 17th April

After I got back from my flying visit to Cheshire, we spent a day tidying the garden,  so that we can now see and appreciate all the flowers that were being hidden by the weeds.

Then it was time to pack up Burt for his first proper holiday of the year, as we decided to head to Devon for a few days.

Taking the scenic route along the A303, for once there was no roadworks or queues of traffic.  We had timed the trip so it was after the bank holiday, so we were travelling against the tide.

A303 - Burt and Stonehenge

We booked to stay at Warcombe Farm Camping Park, endorsed by David Bellamy for it's conservation.   Yes that's David Bellamy, remember him?

They have a huge field at the back which they have planted hundreds of varying trees, so that one day it will be a lovely forest walk.  There's a fishing pond.  And every pitch has plenty of space and they're growing trees and bushes between them, to give some privacy to each van or tent.  Whilst I can imagine during the height of summer it might not be quite so idyllic, it was certainly a lovely place to stay on a warm April week.




Where's Timmy?


One morning we spotted Mr Toad catching a lift on Mrs Toad on their way to the pond.


The campsite is just over a mile from Woolacombe Beach, so we could take a trip down to the beach every day to make the most of the warm April weather.


Warcombe Farm Park View


The quickest route from Warcombe Farm to Woolacombe is a steep narrow road.  Too much and too dangerous for Burt but easy for us to walk down.  There was no way we'd be walking back up though, even after an evening of drinking. Especially as it was so narrow, dark and cars were using it. How it wasn't a one way road, as we only say one passing point near the bottom, is anyone's guess.



Our first stop on a night out was the Red Barn.  A large family pub, filled to the brim, where were all these holiday makers during the day?  Woolcombe seemed so quiet during the day.    

We found a table outside, with a view of the beach and sunset.  All that we required.





Moving on to Captain Jacks for many more drinks and meeting the locals, before joining them in a newly opened bar.    I discovered a new drink, Sailor Jerry Rum, with a lovely Vanilla flavour.  


The next morning was slow.   By mid afternoon we finally made it to the beach, needless to say I didn't fancy getting a vanilla ice-cream.  I could have drunk another rum though...

Back on Woolacombe Beach





We were also just over a mile from the small quaint Mortehoe, where they like sheepdogs...




Then before you know it it was time to take Burt home.  Roll on May!

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