Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Oh dear, as news of Embrace's new album reaches us, there is giant collective sigh....

What can I say. If it took Mullet boy and his mates just 9 days to write the new album, do we really think it's going to be any good.

No I don't think so. Not when you consider their other albums have all been shit.

Get a hair cut, get a real job, in a supermarket stacking shelves, you muppet. And leave the world Embrace free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, it might be amazing - But judging by the conversation yes we did have a conversation he had problems forming a sentence (and not through drunkeness).

Bless him, he aint very bright... so pulling an entire album together in 9 days... I'd say its not gonna be great.

He does have a use though, if he weren't around, there would be one less thing for you all to rib me about - looks like he's good for something!